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'Fred' by Wendi Lindsay

Linda is a Natural Trance Medium  and Healer based in Seaford, East Sussex, in the United Kingdom.


 Contact Linda for 1:1 hands on healing and / or a reading - the energies will dictate at the time as to what healing is needed. Linda implicitly trusts her spirit team. Any number of their energies can work on an individual in a sitting, and  "Spirit Operations"  are also performed when necessary. Their  work has an effect on you at an emotional, physical and spiritual level. 


What to expect during a reading - This is a very individual experience, people report feeling very relaxed and comforted, sometimes sensations can be felt. Joviality and humour are brought forward by " Nick" her main guide/ control,  to help to put you at ease if you feel initially a little nervous. The resulting effects are very individual. 


Linda's Spirit team consist of a collective  of entities, with different skills and expertise . They are from various backgrounds, but including theatrical and medical, who have continued to evolve and have different expertise and qualities that are used as necessary. Linda's main 'control' is Nick who had a theatrical background, he can be frequently heard singing his signature tune - "Consider yourself at home"! 


The team is ever evolving and at present Nick, Agnes and Violet work together in a loop at the forefront. 

There are a whole host of others who have assisted and made themselves known such as Harry Edwards and Arthur Findlay and other historical figures such as Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell. White Cloud a Native American shaman and many others who are only identified by a first name such as Fred, Gloria, May and Mr 'Loophole' (pictured.) Others identify themselves as Eileen and Brenda and many others besides. Each one steps forward as the energy dictates. They work as a team, and are ever evolving, and are overseen by other  high entities (elders) some of whom have never had an incarnate life.

In other areas of the work, transgression can create an effect, which stimulates reasoning and resolves other symptoms of fear, grief, anxiety, other suppressed emotions and physical pain / ailments. Each difficultly controls itself, whether incarnate or discarnate. The pathway of each individual corresponds with the physical matter, allowing freedom to take place, if permitted.

The work has an individual need to establish healing to every part of the human soul which then reflects upon the whole being.


Readings  with Linda's Spirit Team


With your permission, lead by Linda's main guide  Nick, the team work with your energies to help you learn from their insights and universal  wisdom. 

You may also  face up to challenges, see things from a different perspective, clear fears and past life memories, find comfort and challenge you to accept and awaken up to "who you really are". It may also be an opportunity for you to hear evidence of soul survival and hear messages from  loved ones who have passed over. This  enables you to find peace and  move forward positively with your life .

During a reading, Linda's guides use her as an 'instrument' or "channel" so that they  can talk directly to you. Each one's voice will be different. There are opportunities to ask questions, and find answers.

Linda also holds local groups with people drawn to developing to a higher evolutionary level. This is helping to raise group consciousness and is at the forefront of evolution.  This takes place  through channeling, mediumship, and  hands on healing. The guides have also started to be sensed physically. Video recordings of interviews with the Team can also be found on the Events / Links Page 


During the work, the physical and mental state depart, allowing the senses to vibrate on a higher frequency. Within this, a pattern of thought adjusts itself, allowing the third eye to take control. Linda's team  also help  to  link individuals with their own guides and helpers to enable them to also grow.

The spirit guides also use ‘Enhanced Eye Contact’ . Whist Linda is working with open eyes, her eyes become clouded and energies penetrate through her eyes to the recipient to enable her to see the soul of the person. This provides a link with the soul that is required for her to see this. The eyes then help to regenerate the energies. 

‘Hands On’ healing is also used when the energies dictate.

Linda is very humble and feels  privileged to be connected to this system with her guides and helpers, each dealing with a person’s higher consciousness. This benefits those whom conduct service, to levels of energy within.  You are welcome to record the reading, so you can listen back to it later. 

See the Testimonials page for examples of how Linda's work has helped people.


Mr Loophole.jpg
'Mr 'Loophole'  Geneitc Healer by Christine Parkin
'May' German Orthopaedic Surgeon
by Christine Parkin

Distance Healing can also be arranged and Space Clearing

 Contact Linda to discuss your requirements.

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