I have known Linda Green since 1992. She is an excellent healer and medium. I have received continuous and considerable help through the years through Linda's remarkable abilities and the wonderful world of spirit to which it was a privilege to be introduced to. I met Linda when my life was at its lowest ebb and it was such a turning point in my life. In fact without meeting Linda and how she and the world of spirit helped turn my life around. I shudder to think what my life would have been like. She and her wonderful abilities have given me my life back.
Denis B King
Linda is a Trance Medium and Healer. We are part of a working group and have been part of her group for 8 years. We all sit together and Linda channels spirit energy. Her guide ‘Nick’ speaks to us and many other spirits too.
Linda helps us to get to know who we are and clear past lives and enables us to help others....It is comforting to also have evidence of soul survival.
Linda is fully committed to her work, she sacrifices herself to the work, to help others.
Esther Sutton and Bob Smith

Jarred was a 12 year old boy who was unfortunately knocked over by a car in 2007 in East Sussex. This made the national news as he was wearing a pair of ‘Heely’ shoes, and caused national and international debate about their safety.
He received terrible injuries and was in a coma and transferred to a hospital in London. The Doctors gave him a 50 / 50 chance of survival.
Jarred's aunt was a friend of Linda. Linda offered to give him healing and with his mothers permission Linda visited him in hospital. She visited him several times with Jarred's aunt, who also assisted with the healing, and who kindly paid for Linda's train fare too. The healing allowed his bodily functions to come to life again. When Linda first visited him he was in a coma, in a shocked and foetal position.
Jarred made a remarkable recovery that the doctors could not have anticipated. The doctors believed that Jarred would remain in a vegetative state. They said it was a “miracle”.
Jarred is now able to lead an active life but still has some limitations. Jarred and the family know that it was because of the healing that he received, that he made such a remarkable recovery.

After a life experience which I found very traumatic and very life changing. The sudden death of my husband in Intensive Care in 1988. I was 28 yrs old at the time with two young children, aged approximately 7 yrs and 2 ½ yrs old. We thought we had our family life to look forward to and stretching ahead of us, making plans for the future...
So, you can only imagine how devastating the loss was felt by the three of us left behind. After the death, there was a court case to endure a year later, and so the process of any coming to terms with emotions/life was ‘put on hold’, as the trauma was re lived, only now, even more compounded by the experience of being in court, and subsequent press and media interest . You can only imagine (I could never describe in words….) the anger, raw emotional pain, tears, and the impact this had on my body. Over a period of time I developed skin blisters, swollen glands etc. I was attending my GP regularly who had prescribed a combination of sleeping tablets, tranquilisers and anti-depressents. This did help a bit, to let me sleep at night, even if only for a few hours, which with two young children I really needed. But, the symptoms escalated, I was diagnosed with severe depression. Then, developed panic attacks and agoraphobia, life became such a struggle. Linda worked with me over a period of a year, helping me to gradually regain my independence, away from the confines and restrictions of panic attacks, agoraphobia and depression. Also, helping me to gradually reduce the dosage of antidepressants and stop taking them entirely. (I have never needed them since)....
Over a period of time, I felt I was regaining, and re building a ‘normal life’. But, without the work/healing sessions Linda gave me, this would not have been possible. I look back on those times and am so grateful to Linda, but, also feel I am a ‘stronger and more empathetic person for the life experience too'...
Agoraphobia today…….well, I now work full time, and am lucky enough to travel quite extensively, and enjoy a loving and fulfilling relationship with my partner.
‘The freedom’ I have now, I appreciate every moment.
Thanks Linda xx

My son was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 14 in 2001. Some months later he asked if he could see a healer and we were very fortunate to find Linda. She immediately put Anthony at ease and she became a great friend to both of us. During the time that Linda was seeing Anthony, he was always very relaxed and much happier and calmer after each visit. He loved seeing Linda as it made him feel so much better. Sadly Anthony died in 2002 at the age of 15 but thanks to Linda he was very calm and was ready to leave this life without fear. Without Linda's help and support I feel that the end of his life would have been much more traumatic for both of us.
Linda has continued to be a great support to me and my family since Anthony's death and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending her.
Gill Pilcher

I have known Linda Green since 2012 after being guided to meet her for a healing reading. I have since sat in Linda's working groups, and believe we (the group members) have done this over many lifetimes before.
Linda is a very humble, honest and trustworthy person, who bases her work on truth and love and is always 'in the moment'. It is very hard to articulate the wonderful gifts of mediumship and healing, that Linda has been developing over the years (and centuries) with her spirit team, and the outcomes that they achieve. Her work is at the forefront of evolution and I feel very humbled and privileged to be part of that. Nick and the team are loving, humorous and also challenging, helping individuals to evolve to their full potential, and being a loving service to mankind. They help us to let go of restrictions, blocks and fears from this and past lives, and bring forward other positive traits of love, compassion, truth and strength etc. They also help to connect us with our own guides, and also we hear and feel messages from loved ones who have passed over. The team enhance our own natural spiritual gifts so that we can also be of greater service to mankind.
I would recommend Linda and her team wholeheartedly and without reservation.
Sue Treadwell

It always amazes me how trusting Linda is with her workers from the other side, so devoted and unassuming. Fortunately I stumbled across Linda in my early years of development. She held groups in her Centre the "Ministry of Angels", we connected and drew some fantastic beings closer to Linda. I got my questions answered and Linda developed beyond even her own comprehension.
In one of her groups in the space of about 10 minutes Linda had at least 20 souls pass through her and use her voice box to laugh and joke and cause the energies to step up a level, it was truely amazing.
The consciousness of earth is rising and with thanks to Linda and her crew we are not being left behind. Linda and her team have been working with us and have opened our minds to all things evolutionary. Because of this link, we are moving in all directions and absorbing universal knowledge. Every time we feel energised, it is such a great feeling, the love, the foresight, the humour. One has to open ones mind, it's like taking a leap of faith. Because of these links we are also much more active at night during our sleep state. The link between our sleep state and awake state is now more profound, and alot of good work is being done at night.
The only true way of understanding what Linda is all about is not by just reading my words, but to find out for yourself! Sit with her for an hour or so yourself and you will have a key to the unknown universe - take a peek it is exhilarating...!
Russ Funnel
August 2016
To sum up- after a freak accident ten years ago my father got acquired brain injury. It has been the hardest ten years of my life. I lost my friend, my mentor and to me my purpose in life. Or so I thought. We have all heard that everything happens for a reason, and that we are here for a purpose. Well this year, I have been questioning that exactly. I am tired, trying to make sense of my purpose. My dad's accident did lead me to my current path oif working with people with dementia and helping others out. But deep down I felt I was missing something. I spoke to universe to help and was given my answer. "Linda Green".
Linda is a kind compassionate person and instantly put me at ease. She explained that with her team she would help and heal the pain I felt. What happened thereafter is quite amazing. She used her body as a vessel to introduce me to Agnes and Nick. Nick told me that my dad called me a little doll. Well I only weighed a bag of sugar when I was born, and that is exactly what I was. Nick understood exactly how I was feeling and when the healing took place I could feel the physical pain being released from my heart.
From the day of the accident I always felt even though my dad could no longer communicate like he used to that there was still this special bond between us and that I still understood him. His health is now deteriorating and I know that one day I will loose him physically. But Linda and her team have helped me to live in the moment and for the first time this morning as I took my dogs out for their early morning walk I looked at the corn swaying and relished the cold autumnal chill. I know things are changing, but for now I'm going to live in the moment and try not to think about the future too much although Nick has given me some dates!
I want to thank Linda for the work she does and I am so glad I have found her and look forward to seeing her in the future. there are so many things I have to be grateful for in my life so I was at a loss to know what I was looking for well her answer was simple " I am looking for me". and you know what I'm going to find me with Linda and her teams work.
Thank you Linda.

I want to share this beautiful lady with you. She is a wonderful Trance Medium whom I came across a few years ago, although she has been doing this work for over 30 years. Her work is beautiful and her Spirit Team of guides and helpers are magnificent! 'Nick' is particularly humorous and I love chatting with them all. I really feel it is her time to become even more recognised in the world, and you will see more of her here as well as in my own group soon.
Please do contact her her you would like a reading. She is so good and what she does is truly unique! Linda Green you are an amazing Trance Medium and the readings I have had from you are powerful, extremely helpful and accurate. The guidance and clarity I received as well as hearing from my own ones in spirit is always truly outstanding. It is your time to shine even brighter now! xxx Jo Cooper 20th Aug 2020

I have known Linda for the last 16 years and have seen her progress in a stunning and amazing way. When I had my first reading with her, I was sceptical because I had been to other spiritual mediums and was not impressed. Because of this, I did not tell Linda anything about myself. However, I was amazed how accurate Linda and the spiritual world were, and not only that, but the way Linda was used as a vessel to serve mankind. This included looking at yourself and to open our minds to the fact that we are all “one”. The group meetings mentioned allowed people to speak to the spiritual world using Linda as a vessel in a very clear manner to go deeper into their own depths......this helps each person that has a reading or healing session with her. As a result of this first meeting I myself got more and more into serving, learning and clearing what I needed to clear within my own life. Thank you. As always, all my love and respect to you Linda, my friend
Manuela Bradler

I have known Linda Green for over 15 years. I met her in her professional capacity as a healer and medium but over the years have also got to know her as a friend. I would say that she is unfailingly trustworthy, non-judgmental, kind and caring, but also to be very down to earth and emotionally strong, all qualities that are helpful in her 'spiritual work' as well.
I have known and seen quite a few sensitives/mediums and have found Linda to be unique in that the transformative effect of sitting in one of her groups or receiving healing is more potent than any other person I have met. She allows you to become who you are very effectively and the trance work she undertakes is very advanced; A number of guides can work through her very flexibly and strongly. I know that Linda continues to develop in this way and is committed to serving others.
Anthony Donne

I am writing to say Thank you for the extraordinary healing you gave me recently. There have been problems with my back for many years.
Although I have taken osteopathic treatment in the past, this had failed to help me and so I turned to ‘healing’.
After your course of treatment , I find myself 100% cured and this has lasted now for several months. I find no indication of it re-occuring either. Also, my legs (especially the lower) felt heavy and ached consistently for years. This has totally ceased.
Your healing gift is remarkable and I am so grateful that I can now work without pain and the fear of it becoming worse.You have put my mind to rest.
Yours sincerely.
Ms J M Piper.

I know Linda has a beautiful heart and soul. I want to share something from my heart it means the world to me when we have mediums who care about the bigger picture. Linda is one of these individuals.
I am Helen Duncan's granddaughter, I have researched my grandma for thirty plus years last year I was able with the help of a friend of mine set up the Helen Duncan Foundation so that when I pass all my research will go to it, some already has such as her trumpet which I treasure. I know the man Jock Brocas and the charity he started which is about service to other not self he will honor my wishes and continue to do what is right for my grandma. It took me many , many years to trust someone as much as I do him and the ASSMPI.org . Linda was given by her friend a medium, and the medium said you are to have this. Linda has had it a long time, we now know why she was to have it. Reason is so that she could give it to my grandmas foundation. It is a letter written to verify the spirit picture taken of my grandma who was the medium. As soon as I saw it I was informed from spirit that they produced a photo of Jesus. Thank you Linda for your service to others and grandmas foundation. I can only pray that more like you will step up to the plate and give things from my Grandma to her Foundation so that all will be able to enjoy instead of a few. Love Margaret
I hope whoever reads this post will visit both the ASSMPI who certifies mediums at no cost to the medium and helenduncan.org, you may also visit her Facebook page there are two not the wiki one the one I run.
Words can never express the gratitude my family and I have for this kind act by Linda.

I have known Linda for around five years and have been a part of her Spiritual group during that time..I have found Linda to be hard working, honest and genuine in her desire to further the work of the group. She appears to have the ability for Spirit to work through her as a channel to maintain communications with group members. The purpose is to advance the work in a positive way to help others. I have found Linda’s approach very beneficial in helping me along with others to evolve. Linda strikes me as being very sincere in what she does and works to help others and not for personal gain.
Linda has always made herself available whenever I have asked for advice or assistance. She has a sense of humour and is sensitive to her environment and those around her. She communicates clearly with others and puts people at ease. I am aware she wants to progress her work further and I feel she would be an asset to any people or team she may be working with in the future.
Martin Falkner

Having known Linda now for over three years. working with her is such a wonderful experience. Not only has she taught me so much, others have also benefited greatly through her work.
The purest higher energies and frequencies she is given to work with not only help us on this level, they also work with other universes and planets and have a profound effect which radiates outwards to help so many souls in their time of need..
Her one to one sessions help with clearing past lives and also group sessions do this with a greater strength of collective energy. Each session brings up what is needed at that particular time (for the individual or the group). That makes every session different but it always makes you feel you are in the right place and time frame to take what is needed on board.
Linda always works in a warm and reassuring way which enables you to be ready for what is given to you and this may include challenges, balancing, and re-aligning yourself and adjusting to new clearer energies - her work is very profound and helps you to deal with what is needed at that particular time.
Once Linda has helped you adjust to the different energies which are constantly changing you realise what a blessing it is to have such a caring advisory in your life. All her work is carried out in a very professional manner.
So thank you Linda for being who you are and also for the work that you do which is helping so many people benefit from your care.
Blessings - Sarah Pell

Further to recent visits I wanted to put pen to paper and let you know how delighted I am with your unique blend of healing. As you remember I met you approx 7 years ago and the information you shared with me grabbed my attention. I believe it was spirit demonstrating their authenticity.
I since had a major road traffic accident where I contracted MRSA and was threatened with amputation. Well after 4 years we successfully saved my leg and can walk again, albeit my surgeon said that I would not be able to walk un-aided. I truly believe that the work you did on me not only inspired me to do various activities like hot yoga but soothed away any fear that I was projecting at the time and thus reducing any resistance I had in my head allowing for the body to heal and repair.
I find my sessions with you and spirit both up-lifting and informative which have helped me make some of my larger decisions in life. To this end I am extremely grateful for your help and I am delighted that you are now ready to share this special gift with the world.
Simon Sutherland